Is this you? 

You're unable to read Chinese characters and find it's difficult?

Are you eager to pass the TOCFL Band A exam, but are overwhelmed at the prospect of self-studying 1,000 vocabulary list?

You feel less confident at listening comprehension?

If so, I'd like to invite you to join this TOCFL Course.

Why Should You take this Course?

Curated vocabulary list. The vocabulary used in the Vocabulary guide are selected from “TOCFL 8000 Chinese Vocabulary Items” announced by SC-TOP.

Two examples are given for each vocabulary so you can easily remember them within context. One example is adapted from daily-life spoken Chinese. The other is inspired by the test items or taken from a mock test.

Time saving. By reading the example and listening to the audio, you’ll be simultaneously preparing for the TOCFL reading and listening test at the same time.

Exam taking strategies. In the last step, I’ll guide you through the exam with a step-by-step walkthrough so students can observe how I use strategies to crash exams.

Audio supplements. Native Taiwanese speaker’s audio is included (normal speed) so learners improve listening not only for the exam but for daily-life situations. Audios are also downloadable. 

Multiple pronunciation methods. Examples are shown in Traditional Chinese, Zhuyin (Bopomofo), Pinyin, and English to satisfy learners’ different learning needs.

A Chinese-only version is provided for self-evaluation. 

" Miss Lin's amazingly comprehensive course gave me the confidence and inspiration to learn to read Chinese characters for the first time. Please make a Band B course!"

- Florence, Hong Kong


---- Luci, Germany
"I find the course to be the most excellent ressource I have found so far, because it exposes the learning to repeated vocabulary throughout the course, adding new words at a steady but not too fast pace!"

---- Benjiamin S

"The course is very helpful. I am more confident now. 林老師 taught me where I should focus my attention on during the exam. Now I can identify the key words I know then just work out the overall meaning of the texts.

---- Shangying, United States